Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

FRIENDSHIP. That Important ??

The true bond lies inside a magnificent bond named Friendship.

I could never imagine how to stay alive in this huge world without knowing that word. It is just one word, but has a special meaning behind it. Until now, I can still develop my interests, still able to communicate with others, spending time and involve in such kind of activities just because the power of Friendship. Still wondering, why is it so important in my life rather than any other bonds ? **

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." -- Anais Nin
Based on this quote, day after day a new world is always born for me. Why ? It's simple. When someone comes to you, fulfill their presence and showing their gratitude as a Friend, the moment shows that the meeting gives a new life. This is the first and the main part to create friendship. Know eachother. Get along with eachother. Explore more and more until the chemistry is built. You will never know what great things they will be able to do :))

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -- Walter Winchell
It is really obvious, right ? Have you ever failed in your life ? Have you ever experience something that you don't wish to happen ? Have you ever been cheated or betrayed ? Have you ever been abandoned ??
For me, all of those had happened even more than that. But I'm still standing. Always tough to face it (it needs time though). And I must say that this has the relation with Friends indeed, the new born worlds in my life. I'm sure that you all have already read such kind of sentences, but in fact they are really true. They are the one who will help you to stand. They are the one who would wipe your tears away. They are the one who would spit out their strong words to raise us up again. And yet, all of those had already happened to me even more. The satisfaction you get, I would say that you will never experience in any other worlds till you pass away from earth :))

"A real friend will always Stab you in the Front." -- Aristoteles
Do you even realize if you have done a mistake ? Do you feel sorry ? How could you tell ?
This is the matter of understanding eachother. No one would care about you if you've done something wrong ( I mean at a time like this). Why would they waste their time just to inform that you made a mistake. Really not a modern-style of acting.
But then again, sometimes people don't thank their friends after judging them right in front of their eyes. Yes, truth always feel pain but in the end it is the sweetest moment of this bond. It is your friends that will always tell and remind you about your lack, the ones that will always look after you in every kind of situation : happy, sad, angry, crazy even sarcastic. Look how wonderful the world who gave us new lives just to keep after us :))

"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity." -- Khalil Gibran
I'm a still a young man, but I have traveled to 8 countries ( Lets see : Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Vietnam). I'm not trying to be cocky or arrogant or something. All I want to share is that if you have the chance to travel anywhere, please do not treat friendship as an opportunity for such negative things. For one new friend, is one new responsibility. Traveling overseas gives me the chance to get and know new Friends. Lots of characteristics, lots of resposibilities, but also lots of relatives. Once you're far away from them, you'll never lose anything except meeting them. But that's totally nothing. Sophisticated technologies, social networks, what else !

That was just 10% of my FRIENDSHIP BOND, I bet there are still billions of people out there who may share the same story, or maybe almost-same story, or maybe even a different story. But all I believe that they and I should have one same thing in common, FRIENDSHIP IS IMPORTANT AND THEY LAST FOREVER

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